Ship Energy Efficiency Training for Engineers

Program: Legislation, Technical Information & Case Study/Exercise

Main Aim Training:
Legislation: Marpol Annex VI and NTC 2008, ECA’s, MPEC 66, EU and US Area’s
Fuel management: Bunkering, Costs, Fuel additives, Sampling
Energy Eff.: Gas Engines, Common rail, Heat Recovery
Emissions: Regulations, Calculations on Emissions
Eff. Voyage planning: Weather routing, optimal speed, trim/draft
Design & Construction: Propellers, Solar, Kites and Fletner, Scrubbers, Hull Shape etc.
Maintenance & Admin.: Certificates, implementing SEEMP.

Duration: 2 days from 08.30 – 16.45

Training date: on request

Minimum number of participants: 4

Required documents/ copy for application process
Identification certificate*
*Original has to be verified by NAUTITEC, copy required for documentation purposes There are no dates present for this course yet


Your Maritime Simulation & Training Center

Nautitec GmbH & Co. KG
Bergmannstraße 36
26789 Leer

Phone: +49 - 491 - 91 20 200
Fax: +49 - 491 - 91 20 20 29